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Hey how ya doing? My name is Daniel Rosenfarb, and I've dreamt of building guitars almost as soon as I began playing them! I remember writing in my senior yearbook bio that  same dream, hoping for it to one day become a reality. I went directly from my music magnet High-School into business marketing, but I always had that itch to build instruments, which nudged me every once and a while, and urged me to look for a luthier school (luthiere is the art of making and fixing stringed instruments).. I decided business alone wasn't for me, but continued to play music the following years. The "itch"however, remained, and in early October 2014 I finally decided to contact a few luthier's over the internet. One of the very talented Makers I contacted was Brain Hawkins, of Hawkins Guitars in Virginia Beach, Va. Seeing as though that's where I live I was anxious to hear back from him! We met two Thursdays after that and I knew within a half hour of that meeting that this is what I wanted to do! I talked to my parents and called him that following Monday. Today I am pursuing that dream, and writing this blog to share a few of my thoughts and experiences while becoming a future luthier! 

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